After being diagnosed with breast cancer , women tend to reevaluate their eating habits and health practices. Many wonder what exactly caused the cancer and what lifestyle and dietary changes should be made to increase therapy. A vegetarian diet is one of the recommended diets for breast cancer patients. Meat can also be consumed, but […]
A lipoma is a common condition defined as a fatty lump under the skin. Basically, it is a benign tumor that consists of fat cells. It is more common in people between 40 and 60 years of age. Lipomas may go unnoticed, unless they are in the form of a visible lump under the skin. […]
Inadequate nutrition is responsible for a third and all types of cancer and up to 70% of digestive. And the reverse is also true: cancer can be prevented by a diet that has a positive effect on cells and inflammatory processes associated with its occurrence. Proper diet and sufficient physical activity would reduce the incidence […]
Garcinia Cambogia is a popular dietary supplement. HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) Garcinia cambogia helps prevent obesity, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, strengthens the immune system, and prevents ulcers. In this article, you can learn all about this special herbal derivative similar to pumpkin and its effects, possible side effects and dosage. What is Garcinia Cambogia (HCA)? Garcinia […]
The Budwig diet was created by German biochemist Johanna Budwig’s work in the middle of the 20th century. This diet consists of taking flaxseed mixed with young cheese. A Budwigdiet is a biological diet that provides the body with an unconventional method to reduce malignancy in the body. The Budwig diet achieves excellent results in […]
Egg diets are a trendy and effective diet, and today we will introduce you to a diet that you may have heard or read about before. A fast egg diet is a diet with a monotonous diet, and like most other diets, it is important to eat as few carbohydrates as possible. The egg diet […]
“Let food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food.” Hippocrates In the mid-1950s, Ann Wigmore was in a mess. She needed help suffering from gangrene in her legs after a car accident and colon cancer. The doctors wanted to amputate her legs. She wanted an alternative. Born in Lithuania, which her grandmother partially […]
Breuss diet therapy for cancer includes a complete “cancer diet” and a complete “cancer treatment.” The Breuss Cancer Therapy diet is a rigorous diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that a person consumes in liquid form for 42 days. The purpose of this diet is to starve cancer cells to death by depriving them […]