Sage is a medicinal plant with strong antibacterial, anti-fungal, astringent properties and is an effective remedy against excessive sweating. Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a very medicinal plant that has been used throughout history to treat many diseases.
- Žalfija za respiratorne bolesti
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- Žalfija za respiratorni sistem
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- Savremena područja primene žalfije i njene lekovite koristi
- U nastavku su predstavljena dva posebno zanimljiva i svestrana recepta:
Sage for respiratory diseases
In traditional herbal medicine, sage has three main areas of application: respiratory diseases, mouth and throat problems (including dental care), and excessive sweating. Sage is mostly used by people with diabetes because its consumption reduces blood sugar levels, it is used to make an antimicrobial tonic for the face.
“How can a man die if he has sage in his garden?”
This memorial from the 13th. century was taught at the oldest medical school in Europe and Italy and proves that sage has been used for centuries as a medicine. The botanical name of sage is Salvia officinalis, where Salvia comes from the Latin word “Salvare” and means “to cure”, while “officinalis” means a medicinal plant.
In the tenth century, Arab doctors regularly improved their mental abilities with the help of fresh sage tea. Sweetened with honey, this drink was called “In good health”.
Sage: toothbrush and toothpaste in one
In the area of the mouth and throat, sage is one of the proven and safest natural remedies. Before finding toothbrushes and toothpaste, a sage leaf was used wrapped around the index finger and used to massage teeth and gums. This method of application prevented bleeding gums, removed plaque, strengthened gums and refreshed the breath.
Due to these benefits of sage, it is increasingly used nowadays as an addition to toothpastes.
Sage helps people who wear dentures
Sage is a very effective aid for people who wear dentures. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with sage tea made from 1 teaspoon of finely chopped sage leaves and 150 milliliters of hot water. Preparation for rinsing the throat should stand for 10 minutes. On the other hand, sage tea can be drunk for only 1 to 3 minutes.
Sage for the respiratory system
Sage has been used for centuries for healing respiratory diseases. Sage candies made from honey and beeswax were used as a treatment for tuberculosis. They helped alleviate cough attacks. This is especially effective when drinking warm water mixed with lemon juice at the same time.
In the Middle Ages, monks also made syrup from honey, sage and apple cider vinegar. It was used to treat coughs, colds, sore throats and bronchitis – and became the most popular medicine of that time.
Sage spices and canning
Throughout history, while goods were not yet paid for with money but were given in exchange, the Chinese gave three packets of black tea in exchange for one packet of dried sage. Sage was used as a medicine, preservative and deodorant.
The meat was preserved using sage leaves, salt or vinegar, beef and poultry not only became more aromatic but also more durable. Meat treated in this way achieved particularly high prices on the markets and quickly became a lucrative commodity.
Modern areas of application of sage and its medicinal benefits
Modern clinical trials often confirm old knowledge. This is also the case with sage. People once knew that sage helps with respiratory diseases. Sage helps because it contains certain antimicrobial essential oils (e.g. thujone) and astringent tannins (e.g. rosemary acid).
People used to know that sage can be made into a great deodorant. Today we know that sage inhibits sweating because the plant contains a special antiseptic and astringent substances. Old recipes for sage are still used today, sage tea with honey and lemon juice or with honey and apple cider vinegar is still considered an excellent remedy against tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.
And while ancient philosophers and scientists drank sage tea to stimulate the brain and increase concentration, clinical trials are being conducted today to see if sage can help boost memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
Below are two particularly interesting and versatile recipes:
1. Sage lotion
Sage lotions are excellent personal care products that can help with many skin problems (including fungal infections). Sprayed on the body or under the armpits to prevent the formation of sweat, they are an excellent natural substitute for the usual deodorants, which are usually quite dangerous to health.
1 ½ cups fresh sage leaves
1 liter of water
Ten carnations and anise flowers:
Preparation: Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring several times, then cool. Strain, place in a sterile bottle and seal well. Use the lotion as a bath supplement or refreshing spray or use it as a face tonic with a cotton pad.
2. sage tea
Sage tea has antimicrobial and antiperspirant effects and stops milk flow in breastfeeding mothers . Recent research confirms that sage tea can lower levels blood sugar .
Like all medicinal herbal teas, sage tea should not be drunk continuously. After ten days, take a break for three to four days before you start consuming again.
Preparation: Pour a cup of boiling water on a quarter cup of fresh sage leaves. After 1 to 3 minutes, strain the tea and add a little honey and a few teaspoons of lemon juice as desired.