Lipoma natural

Natural remedies against lipoma

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A lipoma is a common condition defined as a fatty lump under the skin. Basically, it is a benign tumor that consists of fat cells. It is more common in people between 40 and 60 years of age.

Lipomas may go unnoticed, unless they are in the form of a visible lump under the skin. Lumps due to lipomas are egg-shaped or dome-shaped, between 2 and 10 cm in diameter (sometimes more), smooth and soft to the touch, generally painless, but in some cases cause pain when pressed. They can develop in any part of the body, but more often they are the neck, upper arms, armpits and upper legs.

The cause of lipoma can be soft tissue injury, and rarely genetic factors also play a role. Numerous studies show that the causes can be poor nutrition and weakened elimination of unnecessary substances. More serious causes include some diseases, such as multiple lipomatosis, painful adiposity, Cowden’s syndrome, Gardner’s syndrome and others.

Lipoma treatment

In most cases, medical professionals do not recommend surgical removal when a lipoma is not causing serious problems. However, these formations can cause discomfort from a cosmetic point of view, so in these cases, various natural remedies and herbs can be applied that will naturally help reduce their size or completely remove them. Usually, these drugs need time to reach their maximum effect, but on the other hand, their action is long-term and has no side effects, as in such cases with recommended, conventional drugs. However, always consult your doctor before taking any of the following.

Natural remedies against lipoma


Turmeric is a plant that contains a highly active substance called curcumin. When applied topically, curcumin is thought to have the ability to reduce the size of fatty tumors and prevent their recurrence. Suitable recipes for using turmeric in lipoma include:

  • Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder with one teaspoon of olive oil and mix well until the paste comes together, then apply it on the lip. The yellow color of turmeric can stain skin and clothing, so you can cover the area with a bandage.
  • Mix turmeric powder with olive oil in a ratio of 1:1 and apply the resulting paste to the fat lump daily.

Star Ipheion uniflorum

Ipheion uniflorum star is an herb that is often used for its ability to reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes in colds and flu. Another, lesser-known property of the star is that it stimulates the detoxification of the body and reduces the accumulated reserves of fluid and fat in the body, including lipomas. Zvezdica can be used in the form of tea, tincture or topically, as an ointment on a lipoma.

  • Star tea is obtained by dissolving 2 tablespoons of dry herb in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Drink 2-3 times a day.
  • It is recommended that star tincture be taken one teaspoon three times a day.
  • Ointment can be applied once a day.


Sage is an herb used as a cooking spice and also has a natural affinity for adipose tissue. For this reason, it is believed that the external application of this plant on a lipoma will help to reduce its size or to remove it completely.

Thuja occidentalis

Thuja Occidentalis is a member of the cedar family, it is used in the treatment of various growths on the body, including fatty deposits under the skin. Thuja occidentalis can be used against lipomas in the form of a homeopathic product or extract. Thuja occidentalis extract is mixed with a little water and applied to the linden 3 times a day.

Apricot pits

Apricot seeds contain amygdalin, which has an antitumor effect. Daily consumption of 10 walnuts can help suppress the growth and reduce the size of lipomas.

Apple cider vinegar

A popular home remedy, take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed. There are many reports of lipoma size reduction after just a few weeks.

Homemade lipoma ointment can be prepared by mixing one tablespoon of vinegar with beeswax to make an ointment that is applied to the lipoma.

Castor oil

Applying castor oil on the blackhead twice a day can help reduce its size. For better effect, castor oil can be mixed with turmeric powder.

Flaxseed oil can also be beneficial.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is known for its ability to cleanse the body of toxins and stimulate liver function. It helps the body break down fat and stimulates the reduction of the size and number of fat deposits. Daily consumption of the juice of half a lemon diluted with water will improve fat metabolism and reduce the risk of lipoma formation.

Compression with clay

The humate is left in the sun for 3 days and then dissolved in lukewarm water to make a thick paste. The porridge is placed on gauze, applied to the lip and covered with a thick cloth or scarf. The poultice stays on for 2 hours. Repeat every day with a new pad.

Bitter foods and herbs

Bitter foods and herbs help in the treatment of lipomas, because they accelerate the metabolism of fats in the body by supporting the function of the liver and bile. Regular intake of bitter foods and herbs can greatly reduce the risk of developing lipomas.

  • Bitter herbs that may be useful are wormwood, yarrow, St. John’s wort, cinnamon, golden root.
  • Bitter foods include citrus peels, dark chocolate, olives, and bitter melon .

Dietary changes

Since lipoma tumors are composed of fatty tissue, a low-fat diet should be followed. For starters, you can limit high-fat dairy products and increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. White flour, white sugar and processed foods should be completely removed from the menu. It is also recommended to avoid foods with artificial flavors, preservatives and colors to prevent the accumulation of harmful chemicals in the body that can cause fat lumps to grow under the skin.

The use of alcohol should be stopped or reduced to a minimum, because alcohol impairs liver function and metabolism, which can lead to the deposition of toxins in the form of fat cells.

Eat a variety of vegetables daily in the form of salads or steamed, in combination with useful herbs and spices, such as black pepper, cumin, coriander, turmeric, hot red pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg. Other useful herbs are angelica root, anise, barberry, burdock root, dandelion, sparrow gut, petiole root, calendula, milk thistle, sarsaparilla, wild strawberry leaves.

Useful foods in the diet for lipomas are:

  • Fruits – tangerine, lemon, berries, papaya, apricot, grape, lime, melon, peach, pomegranate, cranberry.
  • Vegetables – artichoke, beetroot, cabbage, lettuce, okra, radishes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, hops, cucumbers.
  • Fish – mussels, squid, octopus, fatty fish (salmon, cod, mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies, carp).
  • Whole grains and fiber – barley, brown rice, oats, psyllium, quinoa, rye, amaranth.
  • Legumes – black beans, broad beans, chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, red beans, soybeans, peas.
  • Seeds – linseed, poppy, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame.
  • Nuts – almonds, walnuts.

Vitamins useful in lipoma

Vitamin C. Vitamin C is best known for protecting against colds and flu, but it also has the ability to slow tumor growth and protect the liver. Proper liver function is one of the most important factors in reducing the size and size of lipomas, and conversely, toxic damage to the liver can cause lipomas to form.

Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and is extremely useful in fighting the accumulation of fat in various places and organs of the body.

Vitamin B-complex. The addition of B-complex vitamins supports the body’s energy reserves and supports liver function, along with vitamin C.

It is best to get vitamins in their natural form, through food, and not to take them as supplements. Good sources are oranges and papaya for vitamin C, almonds and whole grains for vitamin E, green vegetables and legumes for vitamin B-complex.

It is no coincidence that the vitamins and herbs that are useful for treating lipomas are the same ones that are used to support liver function. The liver is responsible for the production of sugar, fat and various toxins. When it cannot be carried, excess toxins are deposited in fat. Obviously, if the liver can perform its function optimally, the risk of lipoma recurrence is reduced.

Although all the above-mentioned drugs can naturally help to remove or reduce the size of lipomas, the administration of any alternative therapy should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor to rule out more serious diseases and conditions associated with the appearance of lipomas.

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Miko Lamberto

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