The most modern liposomal formulations have a very high degree of drug transfer, which can even be compared to intravenous or intramuscular transfer. This transfer of preparations and compounds has outstanding results that are directly related to the size of the components, encapsulation as well as many other parameters that increase the potential of this mode of transfer of drugs and compounds. One of the useful compounds is liposomal artemisinin.
What are liposomes and how do they work?
Liposomes are extremely small units coated with fat that are used to transport certain compounds and that bring these compounds directly into the cells of our body. The advantage of liposomes lies in that they allow nutrients to bind through the biological process directly to the tissue and thus increase the absorption of the contents they transmit. Thanks to this case, the doses used are reduced from 5 to 15 times compared to the doses of standard preparations, as well as the delivery scheme in the case of liposomes, because once they are in the bloodstream, they swim within the bloodstream for a long time.
In that way, they have increased absorption and increased ability to heal, and they are also more economical than the usual type of transport. Not only are fat-coated compounds protected from stomach acid, but also from decomposition in the gastrointestinal system. It should be noted that liposomes are literally swallowed by three types of white blood cells, monocytes, eosinophils and neutrophils, and the result is an improvement in the functions of these white blood cells. This fact is an advantage when modulating some immuno-regulators that should come into contact and activate macrophages in case of malignancy.
This mode of transport is also used for infiltration and direct discharge of encapsulated contents into malignant groups. Phagocytes (cells that protect the body from harmful substances, microbes and dying cells) are the most active and present in the liver, and the extremely good interaction of liposomes with these cells has been scientifically proven, and the interaction with the liver can be automatically linked. It should also be noted that all cells contain phospholipids as one of the key components of the cell wall, so one can also expect increased interaction of liposomes with the cell wall and at the same time with the cells themselves and increased intake of liposome content.
It is hypothesized that liposomes can integrate into cell walls and be used by cells to build and repair the cell wall. When this reaction occurs, the substance that represents the basic content of the liposome is released inside the cell. This property provides liposomes with the characteristic potential to transfer contents and treatment agents into the cell interior as well as the surrounding recipient cells. Bearing in mind that liposomes have a delayed degree of emptying (the reason why not all liposomes bind at the same time, since some move freely in the bloodstream), they can achieve the same intensity of action in a longer period of time.
Use of liposomes and their possibilities:
Liposomes infiltrate a layer of microbes that are located on the cell surface
Liposomes increase activity by crossing the blood-brain barrier (division between blood from the brain and extracellular fluid in the central nervous system)
Liposomes have improved bone binding
Liposomal components have no losses in the gastrointestinal system and do not mix with each other.
Very small amounts of liposomal preparations can turn into huge ones if they are taken through veins. Intravenous vitamin C is very widely used in patients suffering from malignancy. Liposomal preparations taken orally have a much higher use power than ordinary preparations taken orally. The liposomal preparations used are as follows:
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin K2
Liposomal Artemininin
Artemisinin is a biological component obtained from the plant Artemisia annua, a sweet wormwood. It has enhanced assimilation and efficiency. Liposomal artemisinin successfully penetrates the thin, oily layer of microbes found on the cell surface. It has a special ability to cross the blood-brain barrier very efficiently and to bind much better than usual to bone mass.
Liposomal artemisinin versus ordinary artemisinin
Liposomal artemisinin has an increased degree of bone attachment (thus an increased effect on bone malignancy) compared to normal artemisinin which does not have much effect on bone or bone malignancy.
The dose of liposomal artemisinin is 40 mg and has a much stronger effect compared to a much larger amount (300 milligrams) of regular artemisinin.
Taking liposomal artemisinin in a person suffering from malignancy causes a reaction of destruction of abnormal malignant cells. Normal cells remain unchanged.
Liposomal artemisinin is a drug that is not harmful to the body, it is very cheap and available for purchase.
Because liposomal artemisinin is extremely safe, it should be used as a replacement for conventional therapies that have proved unsuccessful. It should also be used as an adjunct treatment to methods that have been shown to be successful in the use of classical medicine.
Currently, liposomal artemisinin is undergoing extensive research to understand the amount and effectiveness of its effect on malignant cells. So far, it has been proven that it has an exceptional effect on human cells hepatoma cancer .
Liposomal artemisinin successfully reduces the development of blood vessels and increases endothelial growth factor in several different tissue types.
Malignancy and liposomal artemisinin
Artemisinin also shows potential as an anti-malignant mediator. Through many tests, it has been proven that it has the ability to efficiently and selectively kill malignant cells and reduce the development of malignant growths. Artemisinin affects apoptosis (natural death of normal cells) of malignant cells by destroying them indirectly in this way. Given that cancer cells maintain elevated iron levels, the interaction of artemisinin with iron creates free radicals that are deadly to malignant cells. In that way, malignant cells are practically deprived of antioxidants and thus die due to a high concentration of free radicals.
When it comes to malignancy, liposomes focus on malignant growths. They generate blood vessels to the surrounding tissue due to the increased need for nutrients. Liposomes are generally 50 to 400 nanometers in size. Nanoparticles smaller than 200 nanometers are ideal for shrinking and infiltrating these cancer-feeding blood vessels. When they are infiltrated into the blood vessels, they further move directly to the cancer cells and thus destroy them and reduce their development and growth.
Even today, despite very highly developed medical methods, malignancy is a very big obstacle for modern medicine. After heart disease, malignancy is the second in a series of diseases that cause death. Currently, improving the effectiveness of anti-malignant mediators and reducing side effects, transferring drugs to disease-causing sites with the help of new technologies, such as nanotechnology, is a basic task that is being improved by many scientific teams. Liposomal artemisinin is currently perhaps the only method without side effects and, of course, without destroying biologically correct and healthy cells.
A wide range of transmissions of various drugs can be divided into the following types of transmission:
Polymeric nano spheres
Polymeric nano capsules
Solid nano lipids
Nano bits
By engaging nanocarriers to distribute drugs such as the above nano liposomes, increased distribution and utilization of many drugs is achieved as well as their application to some parts of the body where it could not be possible until now.
We have the honor in the near future to create a compound that has the role of transferring artemisinin directly to malignant cells without affecting healthy cells. The secret component that will be involved in this project affects the cancer cells not only by destroying them but also in a reversible process returning them to a normal state if possible. Also, this component in liposomal artemisinin will increase the permeability of the cell membrane of cancer cells, clearing the protein membrane that cancer cells have to a greater or lesser extent.
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