hydrazine sulfate

Hydrazine sulfate stops the development of cancer

3 minutes, 21 seconds Read

Hydrazine sulfate preparation that does not allow cancer to consume the energy reserves of the patient’s body and maintain body weight

Oncologists and oncology patients should seriously study hydrazine sulfate preparation. Many people think that hydrazine sulfate is used only in the last stages of cancer to stop when a large amount of energy is expelled from the body. This cycle of high glucose consumption by cancer is called the milk cycle. Cancer produces a large amount of lactic acid, due to which patients feel very tired.

Hydrazine sulfate action

It does not matter whether a person has an activated milk cycle process or not. Cancer reacts equally. Hydrazine sulfate prevents cancer from using glucose and eating. People who have cancer should never wait for the milk cycle symptoms to appear. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to return to normal.

Dr. Gold followed people who started using hydrazine sulfate immediately after found that they had cancer, not waiting for the milk cycle symptoms, and these people had a 43% cure. Compared to 43% of radiation recovery, the percentage is not small.

Some people do not like to use Hydrazine Sulfate because it is actually a chemical, but also, on the other hand, they use drugs like Ibuprofen. When used properly, Hydrazine sulfate is just as dangerous as Ibuprofen. It should be noted that hydrazine sulfate 100 times less toxic than chemotherapy. It does not destroy healthy tissue like chemotherapy and radiation gives it an advantage and makes it a better solution than the previous two.

Prohibition of research

Because it is so good, a large number of pharmaceutical companies are engaged in production chemotherapy put pressure on the FDA to ban the further use of this preparation and to disable phase 4 of its research, which would enable it to register and enable it to be on the shelves of pharmacies for further use of oncology patients. Many people’s crowns would be taken off their heads if that happened.

DR Gold and the action of hydrazine sulfate

The following is an explanation by Dr. Gold’s team of how Hydrazine Sulfate actually works:

Syracuse Cancer Research Institute began operations in 1966, sponsored by Director Dr. Joseph Gold. At that time, the milk cycle was only known for its symptoms, and in fact, no one knew its cause. Research started by Dr. Gold indicated that the cause of this condition of the organism is actually the ability of cancer to consume large amounts of energy from the organism, producing large amounts of lactic acid. Lactic acid is processed in the liver, also consuming energy to re-produce glucose, which feeds cancer.

Because cancer uses glucose and produces large amounts of lactic acid, it actually weakens the body in this way. It increases its acidity, affecting it and preparing the ground for invasion and further spreading. In this way, large amounts of energy are consumed in the milk circle on both sides. Over time, energy expenditure becomes unsustainable, and then reserves are depleted, fat and muscle tissue are burned, and weight loss occurs.

Dr. Gold tried to block this body’s chemical machinery that converts lactic acid into glucose. He found a wide range of blockers glucose metabolism, of which one is hydrazine sulfate which can lead to blockage of the mechanism.

Use hydrazine sulfate

The point of using hydrazine sulfate is to keep the patient’s body in optimal condition, maintain his body weight and prevent further development of cancer. It would help if you treated cancer diseases with several different weapons. This is one of the well-known preparations that do not allow people with cancer to lose weight. Hydrazine sulfate is sold in tablets of 60 and 30 mg.

People under 45 kg should use 30 mg tablets, while over 45 kg should use 60 mg tablets.


This article is not intended to promote hydrazine sulfate commercially but solely to help people with cancer respond adequately and supplement therapy with this preparation to reduce body weight and reduce the possibility of cancer spreading.

See more proven therapies in article 45 therapy to treat cancer.



Miko Lamberto

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