how to increase testosterone

How to quickly increase testosterone levels

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Many men suffer from low testosterone levels and its psychophysical consequences. Male phytoandrogens can help men increase testosterone levels. How to increase testosterone levels?

Low testosterone levels – symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

Our society still does not accept the diagnosis of male menopause. Men affected by so-called menopause will experience a drop in testosterone levels and related symptoms, including the following: Irritability, dissatisfaction and anxiety.

Lack of energy and fatigue, sleep disorders.

Decreased libido

Less frequent morning erections

Increasing muscle strength

Lower sports performance and lower performance in everyday work

Hot waves, sweating

Testicles that are getting smaller

Minor hair growth on the chin and chest

Increased belly fat

Symptoms of metabolic syndrome (diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure)

Decreased bone density

Joint pain (which has nothing to do with osteoarthritis or arthritis, but is hormonal)

Symptoms of testosterone deficiency already show what tasks testosterone – the so-called male hormone – usually has in healthy men:

It gives you strength and assertiveness, ensures a healthy libido and potency, increases bone density and body hair growth. Women also have testosterone, but much less than men.

Menopause in men: does it exist or does it not exist?

Why is male menopause not taken seriously? Simply because most medical scientists still believe that male menopause does not exist. There is too much focus on comparison with menopausal women. A woman loses fertility during menopause, a man does not have to. Thus, male menopause does not exist in this way.

Menopause is not defined in terms of fertility. Menopause is just a time hormonal changes and decreases in hormonal performance.

In male menopause, the symptoms are not yet recognized. Certain psychological problems are mainly attributed to the midlife crisis. Physical symptoms are seen as completely normal signs of old age that appear sooner or later and which – as is often the case from the perspective of conventional medicine – need to be reconciled. Rarely does a doctor think about testosterone deficiency.

The problem is occasionally raised in the media. For example, “Every fifth person has too little testosterone in the blood” not only in old age, younger people also have a lack of testosterone.

Decreased testosterone levels: causes:

Younger, refers to men between 30 and 40 years of age. Harald Jorn Schneider , an endocrinologist at the University Hospital in Munich, explains that low testosterone levels may already exist at this age if certain factors match.

This includes:

Overweight with a lot of belly fat (apple type), because it is a female hormone estrogen especially creates in the fatty tissue of the stomach. The following is true: the richer the stomach, the lower the level of testosterone. I: Anyone who is overweight and wants to increase testosterone levels must lose weight.

Stress, because the stress hormone cortisol reduces testosterone levels.

Lack of exercise because exercise raises testosterone levels.

One of the most important causes of falling testosterone levels is also the hormonal effect of so-called endocrine disorders. These are chemicals from the environment that have a similar effect on the body as hormones and therefore can irritate the balance of hormones. Hormone disorders caused by endocrine disorders

Endocrine disorders are caused, for example:


Plasticizers such as bisphenol A, found in plastics made of polycarbonate, epoxy resins, polyester, PVC, etc., as well as in bills.

Organophosphates (agricultural pesticides and allotments)

Phthalates in pharmaceutical products (eg in those that are resistant to stomach acid, ie release their active ingredients only in the intestines), plastics and personal care products

Flame retardants known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), e.g. B. in upholstered furniture

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) derived from the exhaust gases of burned wood and oil or coal

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), once used as coolants and lubricants for transformers or other electronic equipment (PCBs are banned, but can survive in the environment for decades).

The consequences of this constant hormonal load on the outside show in the form of health problems.

Therapy for men with hormonal imbalance – side effects:

Therapy with synthetic hormones is used only in cases of major health problems. For example, it can damage the liver and kidneys, lead to cardiovascular problems, increase cholesterol levels, enlarge sebum glands, irritate the thyroid gland, increase the risk of depression or prostate problems, including prostate cancer.

Measure testosterone levels.

Can age-related testosterone deficiency be called menopause or not?

To rule out testosterone deficiency, do a blood test with your family doctor or urologist or andrologist.

Testosterone home test

testosterone home test

There are home tests that can be ordered online. The saliva sample is sent to the laboratory, which reports the result within a few days. You can choose which hormones you want to test.

Often it is not only the amount of each hormone that is important, but also the relationship of different hormones to each other (testosterone, estradiol and DHEA (DHEA is the precursor of both female and male sex hormones)). There are also tests that examine all sex hormones that are relevant to men.

A blood test usually automatically checks for several hormones at once.

The advantage of the saliva test: only free and efficient hormones are present in the saliva.

Increase testosterone levels – naturopathic measures

If you do find low testosterone levels, it is not necessary to use synthetic hormones. You can help yourself:

with phytoandrogens

with special natural dietary supplements and certain substances

with certain foods and – if there is no other way –

with bioidentical hormonal preparations.

1. Increase testosterone levels with phytoandrogens

Phytoandrogens are plants that contain plant androgens (“male hormones”) that stimulate the production of androgens in the body or inhibit androgen breakdown. Phytoandrogens increase the level of free testosterone, and also ensure a healthy balance of testosterone and estrogen.

Herbalist Stephen Harrod Buchner recommends it in his book The Natural Testosterone Plan , the following program to increase testosterone levels (eg over three months or in consultation with a doctor / alternative doctor):

Pine pollen tincture (mostly available in stores called pine pollen tincture): almost half a teaspoon three times a day

Nettle root: 1200 mg daily

Tribulus terrestris: 500 mg three times daily

Panak ginseng: ¼ teaspoons daily

Tienchi ginseng: 1/3 teaspoon three times a day

Eleutherococcus tincture: 1 teaspoon twice a day

These herbs have the following effects on the body:

Pine pollen is especially rich in plant hormones similar to testosterone. Pine seeds (pine nuts) also contain little plant-based testosterone, but not as much as pollen. White and black pine pollen is suitable if someone wants to collect pollen himself in early spring.

Pollen is not easily digestible and the bioavailability of active ingredients is therefore not so high. Tinctures are made to increase bioavailability.

Pine pollen does not only affect the hormonal balance. They also increase the level of antioxidants in the body, stimulate liver regeneration and lower cholesterol levels.

The plant hormones found in pine pollen include not only plant testosterone and DHEA, but also brassinosteroids. They ensure that the plant grows advanced. Their structure is very similar to the structure of human steroids. Glutathione transferases are also found in boron pollen. Glutathione transferases are involved in the production of testosterone and progesterone, thus promoting testosterone synthesis.

The testosterone content in pine is so high that female fish living near paper mills that process pine wood can turn into male fish.

Nettle root is known for its positive effects on the prostate. Therefore, it is often used for benign prostate enlargement. The actual mechanism of action has not yet been fully investigated: Nettle root prevents the binding of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) to SHBG (transport protein). As a result, the proportion of free and effective testosterone becomes higher. Testosterone levels rise.

DHT is actually active testosterone. Testosterone is just a precursor to a hormone that can be converted to DHT or estrogen.

Nettle root can block just this last mentioned transformation. It inhibits so-called aromatase, an enzyme that would normally lead to the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, and thus also maintains testosterone levels at a higher level.

Sometimes you need to lower your DHT levels to improve your BPH. And since nettle root can help with BPH, it was believed that it actually reduced testosterone levels.

BPH is more likely to be related to the regulation of the testosterone / estrogen ratio. In men, testosterone levels decrease with age. Estrogen levels usually remain constant. Sooner or later, an imbalance occurs here, which is why a natural increase in testosterone levels is useful for restoring hormonal balance. And this is where nettle root can help.

Tribulus terrestris is also known as a terrestrial star and originates from tropical and subtropical areas. The fruits of the plant are used.

In Ayurveda, in TCM, and also in Western naturopathy, Tribulus is known as a remedy for kidney health, because it prevents or reduces kidney stones and can protect and take care of the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Ayurveda is also a plant that promotes masculinity, as well as male vitality and fertility. Tribulus is thought to increase sperm volume and sperm motility.

A clinical study showed that taking 500 mg of Tribulus (dry extract) three times a day for 60 days significantly increased sperm production in patients with idiopathic OAT syndrome (they had too little sperm for no apparent reason). In 80% of men, libido and the quality of erection, orgasm and ejaculation improved at the same time.

In impotent men, Panak ginseng works. Known as an energy tonic that gives vitality and mental clarity and improves fertility. Many typical areas of ginseng application are also present in the case of testosterone deficiency, such as concentration and sleep disorders, fatigue, lack of energy, decreased libido, weakness, etc.

In a clinical study, ginseng was able to increase testosterone levels and sperm count in patients, as well as improve sperm mobility. In two Russian studies, half of the respondents recovered from impotence, while the other half had a visible improvement.

When buying Panak ginseng, make sure it is Asian ginseng, not American. A tincture is also recommended – ideally combined with Tienchi ginseng tincture. Both tinctures should be at least 1: 5 tincture, which means that for the tincture should be prepared 1 part herbs with 5 parts liquid.

Tienchi Ginseng is another type of ginseng, but its effects are similar to Panax Ginseng. Gensen Tienchi also improves sperm motility. It stimulates the release of nitric oxide, a substance that stimulates blood flow and is necessary for a satisfactory erection.

The circulatory-enhancing effect is important for the entire cardiovascular system, which is why clinical studies with people suffering from coronary heart disease have shown a significant improvement in the typical symptoms of angina pectoris.

It is true that ginseng contains the ginsenoside Rg1, which is known as a powerful phytoestrogen. Only this isolated substance acts as estrogen, not a food supplement or tincture made from whole ginseng root.

Eleutherococcus is also called Siberian ginseng. Root or just root bark is used. Eleutherococcus contains at least two androgenic substances (Eleutheroside-B1 and Eleutheroside-E), so it is not surprising that studies have shown that the plant managed to prevent prostate atrophy (shrinkage) and that testosterone levels in castrated animals remain at a completely normal level despite the lack of testicles.

Eleutherococcus is also considered a liver protection plant and an adaptogen. Adaptogens are herbs that can make you more resistant to stress. They allow you to concentrate better and become much more mentally efficient.

In addition to eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea is also an extremely effective adaptogen. Rhodiola rosea – a stress killer and herbal antidepressant.

When buying Eleutherococcus tincture, according to Buchner, you should take into account that it is a tincture that is made according to a Russian recipe, ie. At least 1: 1 tincture or, even better, tincture 2: 1.

Buchner protocol and science

The above-mentioned effects are transferred from the experiences of traditional naturopathy and therefore do not necessarily meet scientific standards. Some effects have been tested in studies in countries of origin (China, India, etc.), but the studies have never been translated into English.

Current studies are also often conducted with young people and men who play sports with healthy testosterone levels. Because herbs do not raise hormone levels to unlimited levels at any time and in any person. Instead, they help the body achieve individually healthy and appropriate values when the level is too low.

You should always discuss the use of the Buchner protocol with your phytotherapist or alternative physician.

2. Increase testosterone levels with certain nutritional supplements

In order to meet all the requirements for a successful increase in testosterone levels, it is also important to be well supplied with all vital substances, especially those that are essential for testosterone formation.

These include zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and B vitamins. These supplements do not necessarily increase testosterone levels, but generally have a very positive effect on men’s health (eg prostate, erection, sperm quality, libido.)

Zinc: Testosterone production depends on an enzyme that contains zinc. Without zinc, this enzyme cannot work and testosterone levels fall. If zinc deficiency is eliminated, testosterone levels rise again.

Maca: Although the powder made from the South American root cannot raise the level of testosterone, it still has positive effects on the male organism. Maca increases sperm production and can counteract pathological prostate enlargement. Maca also increases mental performance and is good for bones.

L-arginine: This amino acid has a positive effect on sperm quality and is an important source of nitric oxide. L-arginine could not increase testosterone levels even with a daily intake of 3 g. L-arginine plus pine bark extract for erectile dysfunction and L-arginine for muscle building and potency

Olive leaf extract: The substance oleuropein is found in olive leaves, and also in smaller quantities in olive oil. It can raise the level of LH, and thus the level of testosterone, at the same time reducing the level of stress hormones. No specific dose is known here, so we recommend that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. Effects of olive leaf extract: Incredible healing power of olive leaf extract. Magnesium: Magnesium apparently increases testosterone levels, according to a 2011 study. Years.

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is said to increase testosterone levels when taken to 3,000 IU per day because the vitamin is involved in its regulation by aromatase inhibition.

B vitamins: Most B vitamins are involved in testosterone production at some point, so – like any health problem – they play an important role here.

Therefore, check the supply of the mentioned vital substances and nutrients. If there is a deficiency, take appropriate food supplements, e.g.

25-30 mg zinc gluconate

300 – 400 mg of magnesium

complex of high doses of vitamin B.

The combination of astaxanthin palmetto saw extract could also increase testosterone levels in the study.

3. Increase testosterone levels with certain foods

Even diet can affect testosterone levels. First of all, about the abundance of vital substances and antioxidants, because then it provides all the building blocks necessary for the production of testosterone, supplies the relevant organs with all the necessary nutrients and at the same time protects the body from oxidative stress.

A diet that can increase testosterone levels provides substances similar to testosterone, and also has a positive effect on the kidneys and adrenal glands.

In addition to the testes, the adrenal glands are also responsible for producing testosterone. The kidneys depend on testosterone, so it is said that a person’s kidneys can be healthy as long as his hormonal status is balanced.

It is known that men with kidney disease usually have high levels of estrogen and, at the same time, low levels of testosterone. Kidney disease can also lead to impotence.

Foods that have a positive effect on testosterone levels and can increase them are the following:

Celery contains significant amounts of substances similar to testosterone, and it is also known to keep the kidneys and adrenal glands healthy. Celery lowers blood pressure, which is especially good for the kidneys. Eat 3 to 4 stalks of celery a day or drink juice (mixed with other freshly squeezed juices such as cucumber, spinach and apple and kale)

Corn, and especially corn juice, is considered a tonic for raising testosterone levels. Corn increases LH secretion, and LH is known to raise testosterone levels. Just juice or mix 60-120 g of fresh young corn and mix it with freshly squeezed celery juice.

Cucumbers are known for their properties adapted to the kidneys. They provide a lot of organic water and are great for mixing in the above juice to dilute.

Kale is one of the healthiest foods of all and should be included in therapy to naturally increase testosterone levels. The kale and other cabbage families contain substances that prevent the production of too much estrogen. Cabbage plants also provide a lot of beta-carotene, vitamin C, chlorophyll, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid and many carcinogenic substances.

Spinach is rich in vital substances, as is kale, and due to its nitrate content, it improves the supply of oxygen to cells, which has a positive effect on increasing muscle mass.

Oats should be an important part of every diet and it is best to eat them every day. Oats are said to reduce the level of SHBG and thus increase the amount of free testosterone.

Oats have a relaxing effect on the nerves, which is also very useful for hormonal balance. Because the less stress the nerves are, the less stress hormones are released that would otherwise lower testosterone levels.

Garlic is a traditional means of increasing testosterone levels. Especially in animal studies, garlic has shown a strong effect on testosterone levels. In the mentioned studies, that was 0.8 percent of the daily calorie intake. So, for example, if you consumed 2,500 kcal, you would need 20 kcal in the form of garlic – that’s about 15 g of garlic or 5 cloves from 3 years each.

Pine nuts have long been considered an aphrodisiac and a means of increasing libido and potency. Greek doctor Galen (129-216) recommended consuming a mixture of pine nuts, almonds and honey for three nights in a row for the vitality of the male organism.

4. Increase testosterone levels with bioidentical hormonal preparations

Before taking testosterone preparations directly, it is much more preferable to take testosterone precursors or to apply them in the form of a cream / gel. Then the body can produce the required amount of testosterone on its own without the risk of prolonged overdose. This is of course also possible with bioidentical hormones.

Testosterone precursors are DHEA (25-50 mg daily) and progesterone or pregnenolone (15-100 mg daily) – depending on test results and age.

Progesterone is especially considered a hormone that is often too small in men. If it disappears, the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases increases at the same time.

Consumption of bioidentical hormonal preparations should always be discussed with a knowledgeable therapist.

You can only use testosterone gel if a really huge testosterone deficiency is detected in a saliva or blood test.

Increase testosterone levels: Avoid testosterone enemies

You should avoid alcohol and products or drinks that contain hops, such as beer.

Hops belong to a very strong phytoestrogen, which was known in ancient times, since the girls who regularly worked in the hop fields became sexually mature very early. If men consume this plant estrogen, testosterone levels drop. The ability of the testes to produce testosterone is also reduced in the presence of hops.

You should avoid larger amounts of licorice tea, because licorice can increase cortisol levels and in turn decrease testosterone levels.

If you take certain medications regularly, you should check if they can negatively affect your testosterone levels. These include, for example:

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin and acetaminophen


Antifungal agents, such as fluconazole



Antihypertensive drugs

Heart medication



Miko Lamberto

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