Many women and people with different problems contact us, but we would like to share the diary of a girl who wanted to share her experience in the fight against the HPV virus. The article is just called how I beat HPV because this person successfully fought this virus in a completely natural way. The HPV virus, like many other viruses, can only defeat the body and its immune system with the help and influence of good life habits and a comprehensive program that will stimulate the immune system to react properly. Let’s see how her problem with HPV went …
How it all started in March 2019
In the middle of March 2019, I went on a short but a bit exhausting journey. Directly from the trip to work, the fatigue overcame me, and it was followed by a drop in immunity. A few days after that trip, a cold started, and then a high temperature, which lasted for days. However, after say 2 weeks, I felt like new and life went on. I believe that this drop in immunity was the trigger that activated the HPV virus in my body.
April 2019
I go for a regular gynecological examination, which my roommate and I have optionally scheduled through the discount site. So, I was in the doctor’s office for the first time and examined me. I didn’t have any problems, I felt good. However, at the colposcopy, the doctor mentioned some kind of mosaic, and it was good that I came for an examination. He suggests taking all possible swabs for bacteria, fungi, etc.
It is very important to note that I did not know anything about the HPV virus at that time.
The doctor did not give me a specific answer to my questions about what a mosaic is and why I have it. We broke up with an agreement to wait for the results.
I discovered the mosaic of 2019
The results have arrived, the Pope’s report is in order, only a circle (representing a mosaic) has been drawn in one corner of the paper, which is very unclear to me. From the swabs I took, I had the bacterium myco-ureaplasma, and the whole focus of the following months was on that, the mosaic was not mentioned anymore. It remained unclear to me what it was, but since the papal test was good, I subconsciously ignored the whole mosaic story.
What is HPV January 2020?
I am going for a new examination, this time at another gynecologist. Without colposcopy, the result of the pap test indicates group 3b, one could say a very bad result, with an explanation in which HPV is mentioned for the first time. The gynecologist schedules a biopsy for me immediately the next morning, he doesn’t answer my questions clearly, and every answer I get is that we will know something more only when the results are ready.
In general, this was a period when I searched the Internet for answers. What is HPV, how is it obtained, is it dangerous and the like. Don’t be surprised if you come across an article that talks about irresponsible behavior, “too often” changing partners. Having HPV does not mean that you are not careful, that you are not responsible or that you change partners often. I got HPV from my first partner, he didn’t know he had it. HPV is very widespread, it has no symptoms and that is why this virus is inconvenient. Regular checkups are key, so you’ll be sure to find out in time, even if you hook it up.
The result of my biopsy showed CIN 1, to which the gynecologist said that it was a good sign and that we would see each other in six months. I was completely taken aback by the fact that I have a mosaic and a bad pap test result, and all I can do is hope that in 6 months the finding will, on its own, get better.
I started looking for answers about what HPV is June 2020 – March 2021
Subsequent controls varied between the second and third groups, and I kept looking for answers or some solution. Going for check-ups has become very stressful and a bit traumatic for me. You can’t even suggest what the finding will show, because certainly this virus, at least in my case, did not leave any visible symptoms for me.
When I finally did a test for the HPV virus and its typing, and more or less on my own initiative, I officially learned that I was positive for the high-risk type. Although HPV was suspected a year before the test and the positive result should not be a surprise to me, I was completely broken, both mentally and physically. I just felt completely helpless.
I found a possible solution for HPV
At the same time, out of desperation, I continue, for the thousandth time, to search the Internet and read texts about HPV. Then I came across the article HPV VIRUS AND ITS SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT
HPV virus i njegovo uspešno lečenje
As they write in their text, there is no cure for the HPV virus, but it is necessary to bring the organism into such a state that the immune system is able to fight the virus. It is crucial that if you have HPV you take care of your immune system. Sometimes it doesn’t just mean quality sleep, nutrition and daily recreation. I consider myself to have led a relatively healthy lifestyle before, but in my case it was necessary to introduce some more preparations that helped the body fight this insidious virus.
HPV treatment
The great news is that these are natural preparations. With discipline, patience, and sometimes a change in life habits, it is possible to get rid of HPV from the body.
Also, I would like to point out the fact that it was only when I started talking about HPV in my environment that I realized how many girls met him. These are mostly younger and healthy girls, to whom gynecologists advised some kind of intervention, removing the changes from the neck. My gynecologist advised that my condition be monitored. He also pointed out that every intervention damages a part of the tissue, and that this type of procedure cannot be applied more than several times.
This is my experience, gynecologists are generally of different views. Some support the intervention, some advise monitoring the situation. Of course, all this depends primarily on the findings, age and general condition of the organism. I wanted to get rid of the virus completely from my body if possible without intervention, and I decided to work on immunity.
First contact and consultation April-May 2021
I contacted the Eistria team of nutritionists to inquire about a program to boost immunity in the fight against HPV. It took me a while to collect all the supplements, various essential oils, some of which I had never heard of before. Also, it took me a while to make a list of healthy meals that I strictly adhered to for the next two months. After only two weeks of taking / applying the therapy, I felt much better. I had more energy and I was in a great mood. Personally, I did not have any difficulties in applying the therapy, after two days it became a routine.
Worm of Doubt May-June 2021
Honestly, despite feeling good, I have to admit that I was skeptical that the mosaic-like changes would subside after just two months of therapy. I was ready for at least a few months of treatment for the virus, but even then I didn’t believe the mosaic could go away. I also suggested that I extend the therapy to make sure there would be some progress, however the nutritionist advised me to do so after exactly two months.
Nature made her HPV disappear in July 2021
I am going to a new gynecologist for a complete gynecological examination. The doctor advises removing any changes if the results are not good again. However, this time there is no visible mosaic on the colposcopy. I note with the naked eye, since the doctor mentioned to me that it does not necessarily mean that I was cured and that I should wait for other findings. Soon after, both the pope and the hpv smear arrive. All finds neat, hpv negative !!
It is still amazing to me that the change receded, hpv disappeared and all that in just two months with the action of natural preparations. It sounds incredible, but yes, it is true and very possible. Of course, sometimes the treatment period can last longer, but the effectiveness of these preparations is guaranteed and they certainly cannot harm.
Here is something I wish I had known the moment I first heard about HPV. Also, I can understand that gynecologists do not deal with the immune system, but I would like at least someone to draw my attention to that a little more. We should not underestimate the power of our organism to defend itself, it should only be treated in the right way. Endless thanks to the eistria team who helped me treat and understand HPV.
Ja sam nutricionista sa 10 godina iskustva, neke od svojih zapažanja sam preneo u naš blog. Za najnovije vesti i informacije o prirodi i pridonom lečenju nas pratite.