cancer information

Colloidal silver – MSM cancer protocol

10 minutes, 32 seconds Read

The colloidal silver / MSM protocol will help with cleansing lactic acid from the bloodstream, and that will help solve the pain of cancer (and it is very good at that), but the primary focus is on returning cancer cells to normal cells.

This protocol can be used with chemotherapy for those receiving chemotherapy, as MSM will help chemotherapy target cancer cells and make chemotherapy more effective.

However, it should NOT be used as the primary protocol for advanced cancer patients. If you are a patient with advanced cancer who has had a lot of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery or have potentially extremely invasive cancer, use it as a complementary protocol.

Safety note 1:

Do not take organic sulfur if you are taking high doses of aspirin or any type of blood thinner (anticoagulants).

Safety Note 2:

This protocol is in synergy with chemotherapy and makes it more effective and less harmful. However, if you are on any other type of prescription drug, DO NOT use organic sulfur until you have talked to your pharmacist and doctor about using high doses of organic sulfur (two or three tablespoons of crystals a day) with prescription drugs. That is what pharmacists are paid to work for.

Safety Note 3:

Do not drink tap water under this protocol, as tap water contains chlorine which can neutralize MSM. Use a hot water tap if you are going to drink tap water or if you want to use cold water, make sure it is left for at least an hour before use.

MSM / colloidal silver (CS) protocol for cancer

This methylsulfonylmethane  The (MSM) / colloidal silver (CS) protocol is extremely secure and easy to use. It does not cause anybody odor but can cause a mild odor. However, one hour after taking MSM, a person can take a mint-flavored candy if he wants.

This protocol’s design is based on highly effective cancer treatments, and over time (with feedback from the patient), this protocol will become a significantly effective cancer treatment protocol. I will recommend this protocol to treat pain caused by cancer in many cases. While we hope that this protocol will be the ultimate protocol for cancer pain treatment, we also hope that it will be one of the main cancer treatments.

What causes cancer?

cancerous cells

This protocol is designed to restore cancer cells to normal cells. To understand how this protocol works, it is necessary to understand what causes cancer and how a cancerous cell can become a normal cell again.

About MSM / colloidal silver (CS) protocol

The MSM / CS cancer protocol includes two substances:

  • MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)
  • Colloidal silver (using silver made with the CollGen2 silver generator)

Although both items are antimicrobial, it is precisely the combination of the two designed to kill microbes within cancer cells. MSM will “open” the entrances of cancer cells, and CS will enter the cancer cells to,  hopefully,  killed all the microbes inside the cancer cells.

When the microbes inside the cancer cell are dead, the cell will soon be able to regenerate its own normal metabolism and return to the normal cell. Because the microbes that cause cancer are inside cancer cells, simply flooding the body with antimicrobial substances will NOT cure cancer.

Besides, the high doses of MSM in this protocol will help cleanse lactic acid from the bloodstream and microbes from the bloodstream, which, in turn, will rebuild the immune system.

Note: For CollGen2 to be colloidal silver, distilled or demineralized water is required.

Among the companies that make suitable distilled water for this device are Rite Aid Crystal Lakes Distilled Water, Jewel Osco Distilled Water, Kroger Distilled Water, Meyers Distilled Water Culligan. Maybe there are others. The device will not work if the mineral content is higher than 10 parts per million.

Water demineralization filters are very cheap and are used by those who have aquariums with tropical fish. For example, see “SpectraPure / MaxPure” devices (smallest version)

To make this type of silver, it is necessary to use distilled water or demineralized water, as mentioned above.

MSM (methylsulfonyl methane)

msm colloidal silver protocol

MSM contains the same molecular components DMSO however, MSM contains an additional oxygen atom. There is a strong belief that MSM is equally effective in penetrating colloidal silver within cancer cells such as DMSO. However, MSM does not have any side effects of DMSO in an unpleasant odor.

It is not really known whether DMSO is that or MSM or whether it is actually both molecules that open the door to cancer cells. While DMSO targets cancer cells and opens the door to cancer cells, as part of DMSO is converted to MSM, it may actually be that MSM is the one that opens the door. Or, because both of these molecules contain the same key sulfur and methyl group, both DMSO and MSM may open the door to cancer cells.

Both DMSO and MSM are incredibly safe. MSM was chosen for this protocol because it does not cause the body to take on sulfur’s smell. How safe are these substances? Some people have taken 18 tablespoons of DMSO in one day (for longer than 12 hours).

MSM is just as secure as DMSO, and several tablespoons of “MSM water” (which is actually used in this protocol) should be taken to equalize one tablespoon of DMSO.

MSM can be difficult to fall on the stomach if taken orally. Therefore, dosing of MSM is often started in small doses that are gradually increased (“build-up”).

How to make “MSM water”

One teaspoon of pure MSM powder or crystals contains 4 grams of MSM. This means that one tablespoon of MSM powder or crystals contains 12 grams of MSM.

We recommend that you take one dose of “MSM water” in a glass dispenser. It would be best to have 180 grams of MSM in the dispenser.

Therefore, put 12 to 15 tablespoons of MSM powder or crystals in a dispenser (approximately 3.8 liters) filled with purified water. This way, you will get an “MSM water dispenser” with a total of 180 grams of MSM.

When you do that, you will have to shake the dispenser several times in 15 minutes until the crystals melt and become invisible. (Note: Some MSM types dissolve in a few minutes, while others take 30 minutes to dissolve).

After approximately 15 minutes, the MSM will go into a liquid state, which means that it is completely dissolved and that no MSM particles will be visible at the bottom. Store in a dark, cool place when not in use.

Keep the dispenser away from children or mark it so that children know not to drink unattended. There is no danger that they will get sick, but they can vomit if they take too much.

One dispenser (3.8L) contains approximately 3.6 kilograms, which means 256 tablespoons in one dispenser. This means that one tablespoon of MSM water contains 0.7 grams (180/256).

A person can put 30 or 40 drops of “Cell Food” (mineral supplement) in this dispenser as a way to get some trace minerals in the body. This is recommended but not necessary.

A person cannot start with high doses of MSM water because their stomach will not be used to drinking it. Therefore, the instructions for using MSM water are somewhat more complicated than expected.

Colloidal silver

colloidal silver

While MSM and a small amount of DMSO converted into it kill some microbes, the main substance that kills microbes is colloidal silver. Colloidal silver (CS) has been used in alternative medicine for several decades. As long as it is professionally made (either manufactured by a reputable vendor or made using equipment by a reputable manufacturer), the protocol is perfectly secure.

At this point, we will talk about making our own ionic colloidal silver (which actually penetrates the blood-brain barrier) using the CollGen2 silver generator, which has been present for more than a decade and which has shown remarkable results.

Top commercial colloidal silver brands

Of particular interest to ICRF is a silver product called “Tetra Silver Tetroxide.” This silver product may have great potential for dealing with pandemics, but it may not be produced in large quantities.

There are other methods to attack these deadly microbes, such as vitamin C.

WARNING:  Doses for colloidal silver vary depending on the manufacturer. It would help if you used the dose recommended by the supplier from whom you are buying colloidal silver.

Guidelines protocol

MSM water dosing (and “build-up”)

A person should start with one teaspoon of MSM water to test for allergies. You should take one tablespoon of MSM water for allergy testing two hours later.

You can start the “build-up” two hours later.

  1. Build-Up Day (doses for CollGen2 silver only):
  • Take one tablespoon of MSM water (0.7 grams of MSM).
  • At this point, check for nausea or a rash caused by MSM water. Also, take one teaspoon of water with colloidal silver,
  • Three hours later, take two tablespoons of MSM water (1.4 grams of MSM) plus one teaspoon of colloidal silver water,
  • Three hours later, take three tablespoons of MSM water (2.1 grams of MSM) plus one teaspoon of colloidal silver water.

That’s all for 1. day (you took 4.2 grams of MSM on the first day). The first day achieved two purposes. First, your stomach should get used to taking MSM. Secondly, and just as importantly, You should avoid an excessive Herxheimer reaction. Herxheimer’s reaction, although harmless, can make a person very ill, can frighten a person, and deter them from taking MSM. It occurs due to the mass death of microbes in the bloodstream. When microbes die, they release toxins. If there are too many toxins in the blood, it can make the person sick and/or lead to cognitive dysfunction and poor judgment.

Also, keep in mind that a person must drink a lot of purified water or “ozonated” or “ionized” or distilled water every day.

Day 2 Build-up:

  • Take two tablespoons of MSM water (1.4 grams of MSM) plus one tablespoon of colloidal silver water,
  • Three hours later, take four tablespoons of MSM water (2.8 grams of MSM) plus one tablespoon of colloidal silver water,
  • Three hours later, take six tablespoons of MSM water (4.2 grams of MSM) plus one tablespoon of colloidal silver water.

Day 3 Build-up:

  • Take four tablespoons of MSM water (2.8 grams of MSM) plus three tablespoons of colloidal silver water,
  • Three hours later, take 8 tablespoons of MSM water (5.6 grams of MSM) plus three tablespoons of colloidal silver water,
  • Three hours later, take 12 tablespoons of MSM water (8.4 grams of MSM) plus three tablespoons of water with colloidal silver.

Day 4 Build-up:

  • Take 10 tablespoons of MSM water (7 grams of MSM) plus six tablespoons of colloidal silver water,
  • Three hours later, take 2 tablespoons of MSM water (8.4 grams of MSM) plus 6 tablespoons of colloidal silver water,
  • Three hours later, take 16 tablespoons of MSM water (11.2 grams of MSM) plus six tablespoons of water with colloidal silver.

5 days and after (ie liquid dose) (FOUR dosages per day):

  • Take eight tablespoons of MSM water (5.6 grams of MSM) plus 236 ml of colloidal silver water,
  • Two or three hours later, take 2 tablespoons of MSM water (8.4 grams of MSM) plus 236 ml of colloidal silver water,
  • Two or three hours later, take 16 tablespoons of MSM water (11.2 grams of MSM) plus 236 ml of colloidal silver water,
  • Two or three hours later, take 2 tablespoons of MSM water (15.4 grams of MSM) plus 236 ml of water with colloidal silver.

“Cancer Diet” for this protocol

oil protein diet nutrition

The “cancer diet” is a list of things you should not eat or drink during this protocol. Since you are trying to kill germs, it is not good to eat or drink things that feed germs.

You should avoid all dairy products and as many sugar products as possible. In fact, any acidic food can feed microbes. See this article for more information on ‘ diet cancer patients’ diet:  Diet for people with cancer.

Bacteria MDM-1 or Bacteria NDM-1

Bacteria MDM-1 (MDM1) I NDM-1 (NDM1) are drug-resistant. However, there is a high probability that they are not resistant to Mother Nature’s treatments, especially colloidal silver.

This disease’s technical name is New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1 enzyme (NDM-1) or New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1 enzyme (MDM-1).

Using the above-mentioned doses of colloidal silver, with a person weighing 90 kg using a daily dose of colloidal silver of 0.94 liters made with a CollGen2 generator while a person weighing less using a proportionally lower dose, we are sure that this colloidal silver will cure MDM-1 / NDM-1 or any other bacteria.

On the other hand, if the bacterium lives in an area of the body outside the bloodstream, it can keep it under control.

If anyone finds a particular brand of colloidal silver that has been proven to cure MDM-1 or NDM-1, please let us know. However, since this is a sporadic disease (so far), it is unlikely that anyone used colloidal silver for these bacteria.


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Miko Lamberto

Ja sam nutricionista sa 10 godina iskustva, neke od svojih zapažanja sam preneo u naš blog. Za najnovije vesti i informacije o prirodi i pridonom lečenju nas pratite.

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