Klebsiella is the genus name for a bacterium that is found in the intestinal, respiratory, and urogenital tracts of our body. Klebsiella pneumoniae belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family of bacteria. It is rod shaped, non-motile, and a gram negative bacterium. The bacterium has a polysaccharide capsule that encloses it; this makes the treatment of Klebsiella […]
Klebsiella Pneumoniae is a type of bacterial infection that can affect the urinary tract and cause a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) known as a Klebsiella infection. This infection can be a serious problem to have, and it is important to know the signs, symptoms, treatments, and preventative measures to ensure that you can […]
Warts are some of the most common viral skin diseases in the United States. They appear as tiny, fleshy bumps on the fingers, lips, and other parts of the body. Warts often appear near hair follicles or in moist creases of the skin, where they can grow in clusters. Warts can be painful and irritating […]
Most people with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) make a full recovery within a few weeks. But some patients – even those with a mild form of the disease – continue to experience symptoms even several months after the acute illness. As the global COVID-19 pandemic progresses, evidence has emerged that some patients have long-lasting multiorgan […]
One of the questions that people ask most often and that causes them anxiety and fear is: Why did the vaccines against COVID-19 come out so quickly ? The answer is: Because science is moving forward. And if many years ago the Human Genome project lasted 13 years (October 1990 – April 2003), cost billions […]
What is genital herpes? Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is the leading cause of cold sores in the mouth and lips. It is transmitted through saliva, for example when kissing or sharing utensils and cutlery. HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes, although […]
Bacterial vaginosis is a common, typically female problem that affects a very large percentage of women at least once a year. The condition is characterized by a change in the vaginal flora, in which the balance between anaerobic and lactobacilli is disturbed with a predominantly increasing anaerobic population. As a result, the condition may be […]
Hepatitis C is a virus that can attack and damage liver . It is one of the most serious hepatitis viruses. Hepatitis C can lead to several complications, including liver transplantation. In some cases, it can even cause death. However, new treatments for hepatitis C make the virus much less resistant today than it was […]
Many women and people with different problems contact us, but we would like to share the diary of a girl who wanted to share her experience in the fight against the HPV virus. The article is just called how I beat HPV because this person successfully fought this virus in a completely natural way. The […]
Ginseng According to the World Health Organization, seasonal flu is a serious respiratory disease that causes epidemics worldwide, resulting in about 5 million cases of extremely severe conditions in the respiratory system, affecting the spread of respiratory sinus virus infects the lungs. Patients and between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths. In the latest issue of the […]
Rome, Italy – If you were surprised to hear that a United Nations worker died in Berlin on Tuesday from the deadly Ebola virus, you might be even more surprised to know how many other Ebola patients there are across Europe. The World Health Organization confirms that there are eight deaths caused by Ebola in […]
An extract from the roots of the South African geranium plant can inactivate the most widespread type of HIV and prevent the deadly virus from attacking human cells, according to the latest research. -And. Research shows that the root of a medicinal plant Pelargonium sidoides (PS) contains substances that attack HIV-1 particles and prevent the […]
Cancer is a terrible disease, and its presence has become more frequent lately. When detected, it causes anxiety in the patient’s patient and resistance to do anything. Every part of our body is susceptible to cancer, and the probability of getting it depends on genetic inheritance, external and internal factors. Still, it does not depend […]
Vaginal bacterial infection can be a hazardous problem in women who do not treat and do not notice the changes in time. Complications can be very inconvenient, but it is possible to treat some vaginal bacterial infections naturally. Here’s how. Said, vaginal infection bacteria disrupt the condition of the vaginal flora. This occurs when the […]
You don’t have to touch a toe to get a wart – and you don’t need to see a doctor or an arm and leg specialist to get rid of it, although there are several medical treatments for this purpose. Warts can be frozen with liquid nitrogen or burned using a laser or electric needle. […]
The HPV diet for people suffering from this virus must be specific. The HPV virus, like many other diseases, attacks an organism that has a weak immune system. An organism with a strong immune system will easily fight the HPV virus infection. Once it enters the body, it is difficult to expel it again. For […]
This is one of the best anti-cancer protocols used by many clinicians to treat cancer naturally. This protocol aims to convert cancerous cells into normal cells using DMSO and chlorine dioxide preparation. By cleaning the cells from microbes, they go from a deformed carcinogenic and mutated form to a normal one; they become healthy. It […]
Some of the indicators of the presence of the HPV virus can be autoimmune reactions in the body that various factors can cause. When the immune system is not functioning properly, we have a problem getting it right to eliminate the HPV virus successfully. It is best not to get this virus at all. For […]