From chronic pain to sports-related injuries, thermotherapy is being explored as a natural way to reduce inflammation and improve well-being. Discover the latest research on this centuries-old healing modality and unlock its untapped potential.
Warts are some of the most common viral skin diseases in the United States. They appear as tiny, fleshy bumps on the fingers, lips, and other parts of the body. Warts often appear near hair follicles or in moist creases of the skin, where they can grow in clusters. Warts can be painful and irritating […]
If you are one of those people who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and diet, including the role of vitamins and minerals in it, you have probably heard of vitamin B17. Some reject it and others praise it, and this vitamin is the subject of many studies and controversies in the scientific community. Can […]
Cholesterol is a natural byproduct of the liver and a necessary component of good health. Normal cholesterol levels are necessary for the life and development of cells. It plays an important role in improving memory and learning, is a precursor to the production of vitamin D and synthesizes hormones and natural steroids – which control […]
A lipoma is a common condition defined as a fatty lump under the skin. Basically, it is a benign tumor that consists of fat cells. It is more common in people between 40 and 60 years of age. Lipomas may go unnoticed, unless they are in the form of a visible lump under the skin. […]
Causes of cold limbs Cold feet and hands are a common problem in people with poor circulation. The limbs become cold when there is not enough blood and oxygen, when the blood vessels are too narrow or completely clogged. Occasionally, however, cold limbs can be caused by health problems such as anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, […]
Teeth and bones are considered to be some of the healthiest parts of the body. Strong bones play an important role not only in providing strength and balance to the body, but also in improving posture and appearance. However, despite their strength, they can break. What is a bone fracture? Fracture is a term used […]
What is genital herpes? Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is the leading cause of cold sores in the mouth and lips. It is transmitted through saliva, for example when kissing or sharing utensils and cutlery. HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes, although […]
The fight against Chlamydia trachomatis may seem complicated, but it can be achieved if we follow the advice of experts and follow the suggestions given here. Chlamydia is a more common sexually transmitted disease than we can imagine today. This disease can not only affect women as many think, but also men. Women can get […]
Natural remedies cannot cure prostate problems, but they can help improve the health of this organ. Are you interested in more about that? Discover some options. Prostate problems are more common after 50. years of age; however, young men can get them too. In many cases, the doctor can find abnormalities in this organ during […]
Causes and symptoms of allergies This is the immune system’s response to substances such as grass and tree pollen, mold spores, house dust or animal dandruff (hanging fur or peeled pet skin). Symptoms include a stuffy or runny nose, watery eyes, headache, dizziness, scratching in the throat and sneezing. The cause of allergic rhinitis and […]
The reasons that contribute to the development of acne can be hormonal imbalance , weakened immunity, stress, hyperkeratosis, various diseases of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis. The reason may be excessive work of human sebaceous glands, inflammatory processes, properties of the skin microflora. External factors can also cause acne, such as heat and humid climate, solar […]
Alcohol becomes a part of our lives so often that we don’t realize when we became addicted to it. Anyone who overdoses on alcohol faces physical and mental health problems. This can affect personal relationships, work and finances. The following signs indicate whether you need help to stop alcohol abuse: You turn to the glass […]
An abscess, what does it represent An abscess is a purulent inflammation of the tissue with the formation of a purulent cavity. It can occur in muscles, bones, subcutaneous tissue, in organs and between them. Abscesses can develop on their own or as a complication of other diseases (trauma, pneumonia, angina). If a large amount […]
There is no definitive cure for psoriasis, but with good natural treatment, this disease can disappear for a longer period of time, and its intensity can also be reduced. What is psoriasis? Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory process of the skin characterized by accelerated differentiation and proliferation of the epidermis: limited reddish eruptions, sometimes with […]
Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common hormonal imbalance, affecting approximately 5-18% of women of reproductive age. This endocrine disorder is characterized by a heterogeneous clinical picture determined by different signs and symptoms, which makes diagnosis very difficult. Menstrual cycle dysfunction (oligo / anovulation) Clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism (hirsutism, acne and / or alopecia). Ultrasound […]
Lifestyle, adequate diet and herbs prevent the development of prostate cancer. Include foods rich in antioxidants and nutrients in your diet to prevent them from forming cancer . The diet should be rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, omega 3 plant sources such as flaxseed and oil, and whole grains. Vitamins that have antitumor activity Vitamin […]
After ingestion, food breaks down into components – proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In some cases, some of these components can enter the bloodstream. As a result of the absorption of antigens in the bloodstream, the body’s immune system perceives them as a threat. As a result, immune system produces a response that includes special proteins […]