In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, instant gratification has become the norm. We constantly seek out quick rewards, whether it’s through social media, online shopping, or binge-watching our favorite TV shows. However, this constant stimulation comes at a cost to our mental well-being and overall happiness. In an effort to regain control over our lives […]
Inadequate nutrition is responsible for a third and all types of cancer and up to 70% of digestive. And the reverse is also true: cancer can be prevented by a diet that has a positive effect on cells and inflammatory processes associated with its occurrence. Proper diet and sufficient physical activity would reduce the incidence […]
The Budwig diet was created by German biochemist Johanna Budwig’s work in the middle of the 20th century. This diet consists of taking flaxseed mixed with young cheese. A Budwigdiet is a biological diet that provides the body with an unconventional method to reduce malignancy in the body. The Budwig diet achieves excellent results in […]
Gwen Stefani was a recent guest of Ellen DeGeneres, and on that occasion, she talked about losing weight to her boyfriend, Blake Shelton. This famous singer emphasized that Blake used natural forskolin, a supplement with which he reduced his body weight. According to Gwen, Blake, who was not too physically active, lost 15 kilograms in […]
Smoothie recipes for everyone’s taste and everyday use. Do you know what a smoothie is? It’s a smoothie, frappe, or milkshake, basically a chilled drink prepared by mixing different fruits and vegetables. Except for fruits and vegetables, for a smoothie recipe, several more components are also needed, such as, e.g., crushed ice, water, fruit juice, […]
Egg diets are a trendy and effective diet, and today we will introduce you to a diet that you may have heard or read about before. A fast egg diet is a diet with a monotonous diet, and like most other diets, it is important to eat as few carbohydrates as possible. The egg diet […]
“Let food be your medicine, and let medicine be your food.” Hippocrates In the mid-1950s, Ann Wigmore was in a mess. She needed help suffering from gangrene in her legs after a car accident and colon cancer. The doctors wanted to amputate her legs. She wanted an alternative. Born in Lithuania, which her grandmother partially […]
Breuss diet therapy for cancer includes a complete “cancer diet” and a complete “cancer treatment.” The Breuss Cancer Therapy diet is a rigorous diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and herbs that a person consumes in liquid form for 42 days. The purpose of this diet is to starve cancer cells to death by depriving them […]
Dr. Johanna Budwig, a famous German biochemist, was 20 in the 1950s. Century has devised an oil-protein diet that can help cure many serious diseases. This scientist has written a dozen books, two of which have been translated in our country – “ Cancer – a problem and a solution “And” Oil-protein cookbook. “ Because of […]