
Carrots are a source of vitamin A.

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Carrots, action and application of the plant

Daucus carota L. ssp. sativus (Hoffm.)

The main fact of carrots

Rich source of vitamin A, anthelmintic.

Experimental and clinical data on carrots

Fresh carrot roots are a very valuable food due to their rich content of vitamins, and especially beta carotene, which is provitamin A. The high content of beta carotene explains the healing effect of grated carrot, which is used as a compress for burns (including sunburn) and to treat ulcers that are difficult to heal. The beneficial effect of carrot juice in catarrhal bronchitis can also be explained by provitamin A, which contains carrots. Raw carrots have a moderate anthelmintic effect. Carrot juice, as well as the essential oil obtained from it, first activates and then paralyzes the muscles of intestinal worms and thus facilitates their elimination. Raw, best grated carrots can be used as an anthelmintic (but not always reliably) – mainly in enterobiosis and ascariasis. Carrot treatment can be tried mainly in weak children in whom the use of more effective anthelmintic drugs is associated with risks of poisoning. Carrots are a valuable tool in children’s medical practice for eating disorders, especially in newborns. Carrots are also attributed a diuretic effect.

Flavonoids isolated from carrot seeds are used as a medicine called daukarin. It has been experimentally determined that daucarin has a selective coronary dilatation effect. Daukarin is used in chronic coronary insufficiency – without removing the attack of angina, it weakens and dilutes them.

Description of carrot

A biennial herbaceous plant with a thick, fleshy cylindrical or conical main root. In the first year it develops a basal leaf rosette, the leaves are feathery, on the petioles, in the second year – a flowering stem, 60-100 (180) cm high, slightly branched at the top. The flowers are small, in complex awnings. Petals white, greenish or reddish. The fruit is dry, it splits into two halves, on the back part with the step of a ridge. Blooms June – July.

It is grown as a vegetable plant throughout the country. Wild forms are widespread throughout the country and throughout Europe.

Medicinal parts of carrots

Fresh roots (Radik Dauci review). Seeds (Semen Dauci).

Nutritional composition of carrots

Root – rich in carotenoids; vitamin B1 B2, C, pantothenic acid, essential oil, coumarins (umbeliferon), sugars; seeds – up to 1.5% of essential oil, flavonoids, fatty oil.

How to apply carrots

Raw, best grated carrots. Fresh carrot juice can also be used. For external use – fresh carrot puree.

Health benefits of carrots

It is used in chronic coronary insufficiency, which is manifested by pain in the heart and behind the sternum at rest or after exercise. Fresh carrots are widely used in fresh form for the treatment and prevention of vitamin A hypovitaminosis, accompanied by reduced vision and dystrophic and atrophic changes in the epithelium. However, the carotene contained in carrots is not absorbed by liver disease and weak thyroid function, so in such cases pure vitamin A is prescribed, not carrots.

Fresh carrots are also widely used for scarcity vitamin C and vitamin B. Carrots are used as a nourishing, general tonic and remedy for skin damage. In the clinical diet, carrots are recommended for constipation, liver disease, kidney disease, cardiovascular system, mineral metabolism disorders (kidney stones, cholelithiasis and metabolic polyarthritis).

Carrot juice as a source of carotene is prescribed from the first days of myocardial infarction. Carrots help clean wounds from pus, reduce pain, have an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, as a diuretic and a dissolving effect in urolithiasis. For medical purposes, carrot seeds are much more effective, especially wild ones, which sometimes grow in vegetable gardens, more often near roads. Decoction of carrot leaves is also used in kidney and liver diseases.

What do carrots and carrot juice cure?

Carrots are used in anemia, a general disorder, to improve digestion and increase milk production in breastfeeding women. With daily use of carrots, patients gain weight, improve their complexion and increase the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.

Carrots, when eaten on an empty stomach, have a mild laxative effect, so they are considered a remedy for constipation and hemorrhoids. Its juice has the same effect.

Fresh carrots or carrot juice before eating reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Effects on cancer and skin

Apply fresh chopped carrot leaves on a rotting ulcer that is falling apart. It is useful to rinse the ulcer with carrot leaves and its juice. Wild carrot root juice is also used for malignant skin changes with concomitant oral administration.

As an adjunct therapy for cancer, treatment with fresh vegetable juices is widespread, among which carrot juice has a special place.

Carrots as a detoxification

Raw carrots and carrot seeds are given to children on an empty stomach against worms and as a detoxifying agent.

Code infection and wound

Finely grate fresh carrots and apply to areas of skin affected by burns, frostbite, wounds, ulcers, including cancer (take the juice orally and externally). You can wash the wounds with carrot juice. This reduces inflammation, reduces pain and helps clean the affected areas. In areas of manure accelerates healing.

Carrots in aging and heart disease

Carrot juice increases the body’s defenses and depending on the person’s condition, the juice can be drunk from 0.5 to 3-4 liters. daily to normalize and strengthen the nervous system, heart system and the activities of the whole organism.

Carrots for good eyesight, teeth and gums and as a prevention for stroke

Drink one tablespoon of fresh carrot juice several times a day as a blood purifier, for healthy teeth, eyesight, gums and stroke.

Contraindications to carrots

As for root vegetables and carrot juice, their use in food or for medical purposes is absolutely safe and you should pay attention only to other components that are used in the preparation of medicines. Carrot seed treatment is also relatively safe if you follow the doctor’s advice and do not exceed the prescribed doses when taking the medication.

Combination of carrots with other herbs

Carrots with cabbage and cranberries are recommended for colds, digestive disorders, for the prevention and treatment of obesity, as well as for sexual impotence.

beta carotene


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Miko Lamberto

Ja sam nutricionista sa 10 godina iskustva, neke od svojih zapažanja sam preneo u naš blog. Za najnovije vesti i informacije o prirodi i pridonom lečenju nas pratite.

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