
A plant that cures the HPV virus

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Contrary to previous beliefs that it is HPV, an inevitable infection against which we have the only defense vaccine has been proven that the organism with its immune system supported by some ancient plants can resist this disease.

Research and treatment of HPV virus

A revolutionary study on human papillomavirus with topical curcumin application reveals that vaccination and caution are not the only prevention and cure for HPV infection. Scientists believe that a solution to this problem has been found and an effective and safe therapeutic intervention with the destruction of HPV from the cervix. Moreover, the study confirmed that BASANT reduced HPV infection by 73.3% in patients who underwent this treatment method within 37 days.
The researchers evaluated the effectiveness of two types of herbal interventions in eliminating HPV infection from the cervix in women who were found to have the infection through pap tests and HPV DNA tests but whose condition had not yet progressed to a high disease stage. Cancer).
In the first type of intervention, a polyherbal vaginal cream was used, which contains curcumin, Sapindus saponaria plant, fruits, alma, and aloe vera BASANT. The second intervention was with curcumin vaginal capsules. The other two placebo groups received a vaginal placebo cream and a vaginal placebo capsule.
All subjects, 287 of them, were ordered to use one of the given formulations once a day for 30 consecutive days, except for the day when they had menstruation. Seven days after the last treatment, an HPV test was performed.

Basant Cream

Rate cleaning from HPV virus BASANT cream was 87.7%, placebo groups cream and capsules 73.3%, and curcumin 81.3%, so in the case of curcumin and BASANT cream, the difference was not statistically significant.
Vaginal irritation and itching were mostly moderate and were significantly more pronounced after applying BASANT cream. No serious side effects were observed with either of these three methods.
Although the herbal groups showed better cleansing results than the HPV virus, the observed placebo group also proved with 73.3% that you could clear most HPV infections from the body due to the immune system’s action.

HPV infection

artemisol vaginatelete
Artemisol vaginals for the HPV virus

Given the widespread belief that HPV infection can only be eradicated by vaccination, through this study, we can be encouraged by the power of the human body to fight this virus with natural herbal ingredients. Curcumin anti-carcinogen and turmeric polyphenol, in addition to destroying over 100 types of cancer cells, in this case, have also been proven to destroy the HPV virus. Turmeric is a proven fighter against cervical cancer.
Observing this team of doctors’ scientific work, we made our preparation enhanced by some additional compounds such as artemisinin and a wide range of essential oils. You can read more about this preparation in the next article entitled Treatment for HPV virus and cervical cancer.

Anti HPV preparation

HPV treatment

If you want to get complete instructions for the treatment of the HPV virus naturally, contact our nutritionist Mick Lamberto and fill in all the fields in the upcoming form. Note the creation of a program for the treatment of the HPV virus includes a nutritional protocol, vitamin and mineral complexes, enzyme protocol, a recipe for vaginals, a recipe for cream for men, local treatment and treatment of the whole organism, including diet plan, instructions for removing warts.
For milder cases with fewer viruses and without serious changes, we clean the virus’s body between 1 and 3 months, and for more severe cases, the time is not precisely determined.
Fill out the contact form in full to have an insight into the complexity of the problem.
The sooner you contact us, the easier it will be to help you!



    Miko Lamberto

    Ja sam nutricionista sa 10 godina iskustva, neke od svojih zapažanja sam preneo u naš blog. Za najnovije vesti i informacije o prirodi i pridonom lečenju nas pratite.

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